One sunny morning my roster woke all of the animals up. Soon after that one of my rabbits had realised that I had left the door to the barn open so they went on a little walk. While they were walking they started to get hungry but they had forgotten which way the barn was so they kept walking. After some time the donkey and the cow started to get tired but luckily bunnies got to them just before they fell asleep. Not long after that all of the animals were really thirsty but there was no water, all they wanted now was to just go home and relax. Suddenly they heard water sounds coming from the opposite direction they were walking in so they came and it was there big water bucket it had lots and lots of water in it. First was the little animals then ended with the really big bull. But there was something even better behind the water bucket it was the barn after all the walking they had finally all had a drink and some food and also a nice long rest. I don’t think that will ever go on another walk by them self's again.
Today we had to show what we could write when we have 40 minutes to write without talking to others. We where able to work quietly to complete the task.
Great work Jane, Keep it up I like the way you are starting sentences with "Not long after that" and "Suddenly" just a nice change from "and then" well done you.