Merry Christmas everyone today my family and I had a big party to celebrate Christmas. So the first thing me and my family did was we got ready then went down stairs to have a really nice and yummy breakfast. After breakfast we packed some of our gifts and went to my Mum's parents house and opened our presents. The things that I got was a doll house and some cool gold headphones.
Not long after that we went to my Dad's parents house and opened our other gift's there. I got heaps of slime kits and glues and a cool little book to write in and also have a big bottle of activator ( activator is something you put in glue and it makes it thick and slime like) and it was a really big basket.
I hope you had a lovely Christmas everyone and I want to say a big thank you to my family for buying all these gift's. Hope you enjoy my writing about my Christmas and please feel free to ask any questions about my day.
Tuesday, 25 December 2018
Saturday, 22 December 2018
Today me and my family decorating our sitting room and put up our Christmas tree up. So first we put the Christmas tree and then put the decorations on the tree. Not long after the tree was done and then we moved on to the upstairs so we started on the steps and then got into each bedroom. After that was all done we cleaned up and then relaxed.
Hope you enjoy my story about decorating our Christmas and please leave me some questions in the comments down below and check out some of my other blog posts.
Hope you enjoy my story about decorating our Christmas and please leave me some questions in the comments down below and check out some of my other blog posts.
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Day 2 (Holidays)
Hey everyone today my mum and I went out to have lunch at McDonald. Not long after that we came back home and got our bags and went shopping. After that we went and had a rest at home then after our rest we went and cleaned the house. Soon after that we had dinner and now me and my family are getting ready for bed.
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Day 1 (Holidays)
Today was the last day of school for Pt England school and I am very happy and exited because I am going to Australia for two weeks because it's my baby cousins birthday. Also I might have a sleep over at my other cousins house and maybe some other cool and fun things.
I hope you enjoy my day one of the holiday blog post and I will keep you updated on what I am doing. Also please leave me a nice and positive comment and you can ask me any question that you want to ask me.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Hello everyone this is the task that me and my group did.
It was a really easy task and It was also very easy because I had my friends to help me.
I hope you enjoy my task and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Friday, 7 December 2018
Hello everyone this is my book review number 1 and this task was really easy.
I hope you enjoy my book review and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Paideia Seminar Term 4
A Paideia Seminar, is where a group of people gather together to share and discuss ideas about a topic or issue, kinda like a conference, except we all join in and piggyback on each others ideas and build on them. It’s a lot like the game jenga where you place a block on someone else's block and make a tower of blocks, bigger and more exciting. We were given many chances to talk about our learning and to create persuasive arguments to convince others to think like us. Once we were finished we created movies and pieces of writing to share on our blog.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Hey everyone this is my reflection for Extension and I hope you enjoy my reflection
and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Hello everyone this is my DMIC Screencastify I really enjoyed doing this.
I hope you enjoy my Screencastify and please leave me a positive comment.
Hello everyone this is my book review.
This task was really easy and also I had a friend to help me
I hope you enjoyed mt task and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Monday, 3 December 2018
Hey everyone this is my DMIC blog post. This is my work that me and my group did. I think that my group and I have to work on talking and sharing our ideas. Hope you enjoy my DMIC blog post and please leave me a nice comment.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Hello everyone this is my DMIC working out and I think that my group and I did really well.
I hope you like my DMIC 1 and if you do please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Here is the link to where the question is.
I hope you like my DMIC 1 and if you do please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Here is the link to where the question is.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Hey everyone, welcome to my blog this is my Multiplication practice.
Hope you enjoy my blog post and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Friday, 23 November 2018
Hello everyone and this is my animation and my script.
Hope you enjoy my Animation and script please leave
me a nice and positive comment.
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Athletics Technique Reflect
Hello everyone this is the task that me and my class had to do.
Please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Here is the link to the task.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Hello everyone this is my DMIC 1. This took a little while but me and my group got through it. I hope you enjoy my task and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Keyhole Narrative Pt 2 Writing Plan
Hello, everyone this is my keyhole narrative Pt 2 writing plan.
This didn't really take that long and it was really easy to finish.
I hope you like my task and please leave me a nice and positive
This is the link.
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Back To The Drawing Board
Hello everyone this is my reading task it was really easy.
I hope you enjoy my reading task please leave me a nice and positive comment.
This is the link.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Friday, 26 October 2018
Recount 2
My earliest memory was about five weeks ago when my mum and I went to pick up my cousin Sivaenah to hang out for the day.
The first thing my Mum and I did before we went to pick up Sivaenah was get ready. We had a shower, brushed our teeth, and then had breakfast.
After a while me and my Mum finished getting ready and we went to pick up Sivaenah. Not long after that we arrived at Sivaenah house and my Mum and I went inside and she was already ready so we went inside my house.
After sometime we all went inside the car again and went to the pools. When we got into the pools it was so warm and we saw some of our friends from school. After we had a little swim then we went back home to watch a movie and relax.
That was one of the best days I have ever had I hope that I can do something like that again.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
DMIC 1 Week 2
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Monday, 22 October 2018
That Really Stinks (Story Starter)
One week ago there was a boy named Sam. He stole his sisters phone because he found an app that he thought was so funny and amazing. It was an app that made farting sounds. Soon after stealing his sisters phone, he went to the toilet and pretended like he was going to the toilet. Little did he know that someone was watching him. It was the big scary one eyed monster. As soon as the monster got the phone the monster rushed down the toilet and went back to his hideout. Not long after that Sam made the decision to go down the toilet and get the phone back or his sister would kill him. When he went down the sticky, gross toilet he found himself in the sewers so he called one of the big bumpy crocodile. He went to the monster’s super secret hideout. When Sam finally got over the horrible smell he hid behind a rock in the super secret hideout and Sam bravely came out from behind the rock and saw something strange he saw all the monsters coming into a circle and laughing at the fart noises so Sam made a fart noise with his mouth and they all started laughing. As soon as they all finished laughing the monster gave the phone back and Sam. Then Sam said sorry to his sister for taking her phone and he said that he would never do it again.
Here is the link
Thursday, 18 October 2018
DMIC 1 Week 1
Hello everyone this is my DMIC that I did with my group it was pretty easy and we all worked together and we got it done. I hope you like my DMIC blog post please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Hello everyone this is one of my tasks that I had to do.
Hope you enjoy my task and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
On the last day of my trip to Australia my two auntys and my baby cousin had a really big surprise for me. I was a little bit nervous but in the end I felt sad that the day was over.
The whole day I was thinking of what the surprise was. I was so nervous but excited at the same time. After sometime, my family and I decided to bake a cake. The messiest bit of making the cake was the flour and eggs. Not long after that, we ate the cake and then we went to get ready for my big surprise. While we were driving we had to go and get some gas but we almost didn’t make it. Finally we got to my surprise and I found out that it was a zoo, but not just any zoo. It was a zoo where you go into a big van or bus and you get to see the animals up close. I had a really good experience with the animals when I grow up I want to work at the zoo or be a vet.
This is my Subtraction task that I had to do.
Miss West helped me work out my last question.
Miss West even gave me an extra question to do.
I hope you enjoyed my math's task please leave
me a nice and positive comment.
Cave Drawing
Hello everyone this is my plan for my animation. I hope you enjoy my task please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Monday, 15 October 2018
Term 4 Writing - planning and writing doc.
Talofa lava my name is Jane, this term I am so excited because Pt England school is doing different things to do with art. This term our korero is Te wa toi and I think it means art. I know that this term is going to be based around art and creating new things.
The things that I am finding really difficult is maths so I am going to try my hardest to get better at maths. I can help my teachers by showing other people the right way like listening and sitting up.
I am a little nervous but excited at the same time because I love art but I am not that confident with it. Hope you enjoyed my writing please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Monday, 1 October 2018
Mission Recount
Walt: Structure a recount correctly
Today when I woke up I did not expect this to happen. Our crazy teacher took us on a secret mission on the field and we had to act like soldiers.
First our class got told that we had to go outside and that we were going to have to do different training exercises. Then he started telling us left right and then we all started to march. I was really confused at first but then it became really funny.
So the second thing that he wanted us to do was the sneaking training, we had to sneak past some classes without being seen. It was really hard especially when we all either had to crawl or bend down really low. Also while I was walking I fell and it was really hard to get up because there were a lot of people.
Finally it was the third and final part of our training. We had to do exercise like push ups, sit ups, and we had to balance on one leg. When we were doing push ups I only did one I hope I got away with it.
Task description: So first we went out and did all these really fun and cool things with our teacher and then we had to do a descriptive recount about it.
Hello everyone and this is my narrative writing plan.
Hope you like it and please leave me a nice comment
and also here is the link to this task.
Friday, 28 September 2018
Outside math activity - coordinates
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Hello everyone this is my outside task that I did with Mia and Eva. Me and my group had to find the little notes under the dots and then we had to find the aliens name. It was really fun I hope that We do more things like this soon Also please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Monday, 24 September 2018
Designing a sport: Planning and writing doc 2
I learned that you can make a game with just 3 items. The task was rooms 9 and 10 had to write the instructions of there new game/sport that they invented. I really enjoyed the task but it was kind of hard coming up with a game/sport. It was really difficult but I managed to get through it.
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Term 3 Animation
This is my term 3 Animation I hope you enjoy my animation and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
This is my DMIC task that I did with Mrs Moala. Me and my group had to look for codes and find what all the codes spell out and the words where move your body. Leave me a nice and positive comment.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Designing a sport: Planning and writing doc
This weeks task was we had to come up with our own game and then very soon we will play all of the games and then we are going to vote and see who has the best game I am very excited about this. I learned that you can invent a really cool sport with just 6 items. I really enjoyed making this fun game but it was really difficult thinking of a game/sport. Please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
Outside Math activity

Hello everyone this is my outside task that I did with Mia and Eva. Me and my group had to find the little notes under the dots and then we had to find the aliens name. It was really fun I hope that We do more things like this soon Also please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Points Of View
This task was really fun to do. We had to put different things onto one slide it was really
easy. I hope you leave me a nice and positive comment.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Wanted Poster

Task Description : So for this task we got given a description and we had to draw a young man that we have never seen before. Then after that we had to write a descriptive piece of writing telling why we drew him like that.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Follow That Arrow Task
Hello everyone this is my task that I had to do. I worked with my friend Norah-jade and we had to carry on with the patterns. I hope next time I can share my ideas more. Hope you like my task and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
DMIC 2 Week 7 and 8
Hello everyone this is my DMIC task that I had to do with my group. It was actually really hard but me and my group worked together and we got the job done. Hope you enjoy and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Term 3 Animation Voice Over-Ako 3
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Monday, 3 September 2018
DMIC 1 Week 7
This is my task that I had to do I think that me and my group really well today. I hope you enjoy my work and please leave a positive comment.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
DMIC 2 Week 6
This is my task that I had to do for DMIC. It was kind of hard but I enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy and please leave me a positive comment.
Sheep POV
What was that strange creature that I saw?. It had blond hair and weird glasses. I didn’t like how close it was to my baby lamb so I ran and protected my baby. That creature can’t hurt my baby because I was protecting it. Lucky that weird looking lady didn’t get to my lamb.
I had to write about what the sheep saw. I think that the sheep was seeing something that it was not use to so it picked up it's pace to try and scare Miss West.
I had to write about what the sheep saw. I think that the sheep was seeing something that it was not use to so it picked up it's pace to try and scare Miss West.
Planning and Writing Doc.
The mother sheep followed me along the path picking up her past as she realized that I was within touching distance of her lamb. She let out a loud low bleat which echoed across the paddock. The sleeping lamb lifted it’s head and turned towards us before slowly returning to it’s sleep. As the sheep got closer and closer I thought about whether I should turn and run I began to panic was she going to attack me. Holding my breath I froze I sighed as the sheep dogged me and ran protectively towards it's lamb Few That was a close call.
Monday, 27 August 2018
DMIC 1 Week 6

Today I realized just how hard it is to work with different people. When I was working I didn't feel like I wanted to be in that group. But now I really like it in my group.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Flitting with Fractions
This is my task and it was very easy. It only took about 15
minutes to do. I hope you leave me a positive comment.
Map Of Our Run
This is my task it was also very easy.
Hope you enjoy and please leave a
nice comment.
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Blood Sugar Follow up Task 2
This is my reading task that me and my group had to do.
It was easy and hard at the same time. Hope you enjoy
and please leave me a nice and positive comment.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
DMIC 2 Week 5
This is my math's task that I did today. It was really easy because the last day we met with Miss West she was telling us how to work it out faster. Hope you enjoy and please leave me a positive comment.
Peephole Narrative
Once upon a time there were four very nice girls and they were all very happy. One nice sunny morning all the 4 girls went out to play and they had a great time for the past 2 weeks until one of the girls noticed the volcano behind her and it was steaming really hard. The next day it started to drip out little bits of lava so she told the whole village that the volcano was going to erupt but time went past and it still didn’t erupt. That day everyone got an alert that the volcano was going to blow, so everyone took cover. Some even tried to leave the island. Two weeks later the volcano was finally ready to blow, it started shaking and then boom it spoiled up hot lava but luckily all of the people took charge and took cover and they saved their families and also some people they didn’t even know.
Today I worked with Lealofi and he helped me with my capital letters and full stops. He also helped me with my speech marks.
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
DMIC 1 Week 5
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Monday, 20 August 2018
Blood Sugar Follow up Task
This is my reading task that I had to do.
It was really easy and it didn't take me
long to finish. Hope you like my work
and also please leave me a nice and
positive comment.
Narrative writing plan
This is my plan for my narrative writing.
I think that next time I should try and
do it faster because it took me like like
7 min to get this finished.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Video Diary
This is my video diary that I did Today. It was based on a true event and also I thought that it was actually very interesting. Hope you like my blog post and please leave a comment if you have any question.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
My Hauora
Hauora is a Maori word that describes a person's overall health and well-being. The four dimensions of Hauora are often displayed as the four walls of a Whare, which provides the ability and strength. The four dimensions are : Taha Tinana, (Physical well-being or health) Taha Hinengaro (Mental and emotional well-being or self-confidence) , Taha Whanau ( Social Well-being of self-esteem) and Taha wairua (Spiritual well-being or personal beliefs).
One of the well-beings are spiritual well-being. Spiritual health relates to my life because every Sunday I go to church to learn about all the different things about God. I love going to church because I have most of my cousins to learn with. The church that I go to is called E.F.K.S Panmure. Also I love playing sports, My favourite sports are Cricket, Netball, Rugby, and Touch.
Another one of the well-beings are physical health. My sports actually relate to my physical health because sports is just like exercise. Sometimes I eat junk food but most of the time I eat healthy things like meat, salads, fruits, and vegetables.
This next one is called social well-being. Social well-beings connected to my because whenever I do something my family always come to support me. I love it when my family comes to support me because it makes me feel special.
Finally mental and emotional well-being. mental and emotional well-being is kind of exercising your brain. It is like trying to think positive things so you aren’t thinking bad thoughts.
In conclusion, I learned all of the well-beings which are Taha Tinana, (Physical well-being or health) Taha Hinengaro (Mental and emotional well-being or self-confidence) , Taha Whanau ( Social Well-being of self-esteem) and Taha wairua (Spiritual well-being or personal beliefs).
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Narrative writing plan
Today we are making a plan that will turn into a movie.
I hope you like my planning please leave a positive
comment on my blog posts.
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Dmic 1 Week 3
sorry if the picture is blurry the camera would not focus.
The thing that me and my group did was we tryed to figure
out what 3 fifths of 3 kilograms and also find out what 1 tenth
of 3 kilograms. I hope you like it please leave a comment.
Walt: punctuate our work
Once upon a time there was a young girl. One day the young girl went into the woods looking for
food. Then she came upon a big bright green house and just walked inside without asking. She was looking for a quick snack. Then she found a big block of chocolate and she ate it then left. She was so full but what was weird was that she only ate a little bit. She never knew why she was always full. One time it got so annoying she went to the doctors, the doctor said she had a very bad disease called fullemsine she was so shocked. She could of went to the doctor earlier so she can eat more so she wouldn't get full so fast she should of ate more but she had a bad disease called fullemsine If they had fixed the disease she could of ate more.of Chocolate 1 Chocolate 2.The next day she went to find another snack knowing not to eat the chocolate bar she stumbled across the chocolate bar again just when the sickness went away, she was tempted to eat it so she did then she got sick again, she said oh over a chocolate bar. Next she looked on the ground under her bed and said oh there was ten dollars under her this hole time, then she went to the shop and got a big bar of chocolate. THE END
Original Writing
Once upon a time there was a young girl. One day the young girl went into the woods looking for food. Then she came upon a big bright green house and just walked inside without asking. She was looking for a quick snack. Then she found a big block of chocolate and she ate it then left. She was so full but the weird thing was that she only ate a little bit. She never knew why every time she ate she was always full. One time it got so annoying she decided to the doctors, the doctor said she had a very bad disease called fillerup and she was so shocked. She could of went to the doctor earlier so this disease could be treated. If they had fixed the disease she could of ate normal.The next day she went to find another snack knowing not to eat the chocolate bar she stumbled across. She was tempted to eat it so she did then she got sick again. Now she knows never to go into someone else house without asking.
Edited Writing
Task Description: We played a game called 'pass the story'. We would write a little bit of the story, and then pass it to the person next to us. They would then continue on the story. After the story was finished, we edited it to make sure it was punctuated properly.
Friday, 3 August 2018
Hauora Poster
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Hauora Introduction
Hauora is a Maori word that describes a person's overall health and well-being. The four dimensions of Hauora are often displayed as the four walls of a Whare, which provides the ability and strength. The four dimensions are : Taha Tinana, (Physical well-being or health) Taha Hinengaro (Mental and emotional well-being or self-confidence) , Taha Whanau ( Social Well-being of self-esteem) and Taha wairua (Spiritual well-being or personal beliefs).
Today we had to do a dictation and it was really hard
because Miss Moala had a cold and it was hard to hear her.
The black bit of my writing is the bit that I did before we
stopped, and the red bit of my writing is the bit that I did
the next day. Hope you enjoy my Introduction and also please
leave me a comment.
Today we had to do a dictation and it was really hard
because Miss Moala had a cold and it was hard to hear her.
The black bit of my writing is the bit that I did before we
stopped, and the red bit of my writing is the bit that I did
the next day. Hope you enjoy my Introduction and also please
leave me a comment.
Saturday, 28 July 2018
Strengths of Roots Video
This is my video that I had to do for my reading task. My reading group and I had to act like we were the boy or girl in the story and act like what happened to them happens to me. Hope you like it and also hope you enjoy and please leave a nice and positive comment.
Friday, 27 July 2018
Number Knowledge
This is my task that I had to do. It was really easy because all we had to do
was answer the questions hope you enjoy.
was answer the questions hope you enjoy.
Move Ya Body Writting
I am really looking forward to this term because we are learning about how our body moves and also how to keep healthy and fit. I will be telling you about the Team 4 movie and immersion assembly, the activities we might be doing and what I think the topic is about.
In the team 4 movie they were doing different activities to stay healthy. Also they created a new game called spoon hockey. Based on our movie and our inquiry this term I think that we are going to be looking at fitness, health, and also looking at different ways to move our body's.
I think that we have to look at different activities to keep us healthy and fit. I also know that we should drink a lot of water to keep us hydrated. The words that I know for our inquiry topic this term are energy, Health, fitness, strength, movement, and hydrated. The activities that I think we are doing are making new fun exciting games.
In the team 4 movie they were doing different activities to stay healthy. Also they created a new game called spoon hockey. Based on our movie and our inquiry this term I think that we are going to be looking at fitness, health, and also looking at different ways to move our body's.
I think that we have to look at different activities to keep us healthy and fit. I also know that we should drink a lot of water to keep us hydrated. The words that I know for our inquiry topic this term are energy, Health, fitness, strength, movement, and hydrated. The activities that I think we are doing are making new fun exciting games.
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Writing - planning
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This is my plan for my writing that I finished today.
It was really easy because all we had to do was answer the questions.
I really hope you like it and please leave a comment.
Tuesday, 24 July 2018
DMIC Problem
Yesterday me and my group did a DMIC problem together.
I think that I did really good because I was sharing my ideas
with all the people in my group. I think that I could work
on asking more questions because I kind of didn't get
it at first.
Monday, 23 July 2018
Team 4 Animation - Move ya' Body
Today we got this task about our Animation. I am very exited about
my Animation because it evolves my favorite sport. Also if I have enough time
I will do one with dancing.
Tuesday, 10 July 2018
Walt: We are learning to design a bookmark.
Hello this is my task that was really fun.
So first we had to make our own presentation.
Then we had to write about why we picked our book and why we chose our book.
Task Description: First we made our own slide presentation. Then we had to take a photo of our book and our book mark. Then after that we had to explain why we chose the book and why we put those things on our book mark.
Hello this is my task that was really fun.
So first we had to make our own presentation.
Then we had to write about why we picked our book and why we chose our book.
Task Description: First we made our own slide presentation. Then we had to take a photo of our book and our book mark. Then after that we had to explain why we chose the book and why we put those things on our book mark.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Term 2 Reflection Paideia Seminar
this is my Paideia seminar Hope all of you guys comment and enjoy.
Talanoa Project
This is me and my groups Talanoa project. It was really fun to make.
Hope you all enjoy.
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
Imaginative Recount Writing
Yesterday I went up into a plane and went Skydiving. I went Skydiving because I wanted to try something new. After that we were way up into the sky I could almost see every single mountain there and I was starting to get nervous. After some time I got strapped into my parachute and I looked outside and the clouds looked like cotton candy.
Suddenly I decided that I was going to jump so I braced myself and jumped out of the plane and I felt like there was no gravity. Not long after that I pulled my parachute and when I pulled it, it felt like all the ice and wind had hit me in my face.
Then I really started to go down and I started to panic because I just remembered that I was terrified of heights. Then I tried to call out to the people in the airplane to help me back up into the plane. They said that they can’t do that so I had to go down all by myself.
When I was close to the ground I saw a lot of rocks and I thought that I was going to hit into one but luckily I didn’t. When I landed on the ground I had to start running so I could slow down.
I really had fun in the end and I recommend doing Skydiving if you have the chance.
Glider Competition
This is a slide show that I made to show you all what room 10 have
been up to. All last week room 10 were making gliders for our competition.
that we had yesterday. My glider did't fly very well because the wind was blowing
the opposite way that we were throwing our gliders. Hope you enjoy.
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Inquiry Research Presentation
This is my Inquiry research that me and my group did.
Museum Movie
This is me and my groups Talanoa project.
This was our planning for a movie that we are making.
Fraction problem
I just finished my maths fraction task.
It was very easy. hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
DMIC problems
Today me and my group finished our task that we got yesterday.
hope you enjoy.
Friday, 22 June 2018
Problem Solving
Today I just finished my math's task. It was really easy.
Hope you enjoy.
Glider Design
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Thursday, 21 June 2018
Animation Voice Over
Animation Voice Over

Walt be thoughtful about links between oral (spoken), written, and visual language features to give purpose to our writing.
Walt form and express ideas.
Walt edit our writing for correct punctuation and sentence types.
Your animation task: This term you have been creating an animation based around the four forces of flight and how they work together to make an object of your choice fly.
Your voice over task: Using your animation plan to help you, write a voice-over to go with your animation. Remember to use specific vocabulary and ideas you have learned this term.
My animation shows a plane going into the air and flying using force and flight. The four forces are weight/gravity, thrust, drag, and lift. My airplane is flying because the lift is more than the weight/gravity and the thrust is more than the drag. Planes can still move forwards if all four force are the same because if the lift and the gravity are the same than the plane would be a bit in the middle. Now I am going to explain the four forces. First is lift. Lift is a force that helps something to go up. For example, an airplane. The second force is weight/gravity. Weight/gravity is when something like a plane gets pulled down to Earth. Then after that is thrust. Thrust helps something go forward. Last but not least is drag. Drag helps something to go backwards. Thanks for watching.
Walt be thoughtful about links between oral (spoken), written, and visual language features to give purpose to our writing.
Walt form and express ideas.
Walt edit our writing for correct punctuation and sentence types.
Your animation task: This term you have been creating an animation based around the four forces of flight and how they work together to make an object of your choice fly.
Your voice over task: Using your animation plan to help you, write a voice-over to go with your animation. Remember to use specific vocabulary and ideas you have learned this term.
My animation shows a plane going into the air and flying using force and flight. The four forces are weight/gravity, thrust, drag, and lift. My airplane is flying because the lift is more than the weight/gravity and the thrust is more than the drag. Planes can still move forwards if all four force are the same because if the lift and the gravity are the same than the plane would be a bit in the middle. Now I am going to explain the four forces. First is lift. Lift is a force that helps something to go up. For example, an airplane. The second force is weight/gravity. Weight/gravity is when something like a plane gets pulled down to Earth. Then after that is thrust. Thrust helps something go forward. Last but not least is drag. Drag helps something to go backwards. Thanks for watching.
Monday, 18 June 2018
Mechanics of Movement
Today I finished my reading task. The first thing that we had to do was read the book then answer some questions.
hope you enjoy
hope you enjoy
Friday, 15 June 2018
Today I finished my reading task called Tautai. It was really easy
Hope you guys enjoy.
Matariki Writing
Last week on Friday Pt England school had a very fun Matariki day. In the morning on friday rooms 9 and 10 sat on there mat and got into our groups for Matariki. While Miss west called the names for groups I felt excited but nervous at the same time. The groups were Movie making, cooking, sports, and crafts but I was in the sports.
When I was walking to sports in the hall I saw some dodgeballs set up and I was excited. Not long after that all of the sports group divided into 3 groups one of the groups went to cooking the second group went to ki o rahi and the third group stayed and played dodgeball. When the two other groups left to do their things we were having fun playing so dodgeball. Suddenly Mr Moran changed it up a little he said the we have to start on our tummies and crawl to the line then we could stand up but if we didn’t touch the line you had to stay on your tummy.
After a while we rotated and we went to cooking we split up into three groups again two of the groups would be making so rice bubble cupcakes and my group was making pikelets. The thing that I did when we were making pikelets was flipping and putting chocolate chips on them while they were cooking. After that we all started to eat the pikelets and it was so yummy because the chocolate chips were melting in my mouth.
I really hope that next year I can be in the sports group again because it was so fun to just play around and it was yummy to eat the pikelets.
Manu Tukutuku
This is my reading task that I had to do.
It was really fun to do because it was easy.
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