
Monday 19 March 2018

Year 5/6 Camp

Last week on Wednesday we had our annual year 5 and 6 camp at Pt England school.
On Tuesday we had to bring our big bag and put it in the hall and I was the very first
one in my team, which is green machine to bring my big bag. The next day I woke up
in the morning and got into my mufti and went to school and went to the school hall.
There I found every on sitting on the floor and looking and listening to the person that
was speaking. After a while when they let us go we went to this activity called killer zone,
it  was being taught by M.R J and his assistant. The first thing you had to do was that
you had to fit everyone on to this platform, then we had to get these wooden square
shaped boards and we had to get to the other side. After that we got to chuck water
balloons at each other and I hit most of them, After a minute or two we had to go
and get into these thing that you put your feet in and walk until you get to the and
that was really hard. Then we went under a platform and then had to throw all of
the tennis balls on the other team's space then had to throw gumboots on it .

It was the funniest experience of 2018 I can’t wait until next year.    

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